Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day, celebrated on January 31st, is your chance to consider the many ways that bubble wrap has improved your life.

While they’re not making any more of it (we’re all out of air and oil), there are still more than enough leftover pieces floating around to make you feel like a kid again!

Take a few minutes to give thanks for this wonderful creation by popping bubble after bubble with abandon. Sing an impromptu song while doing so—it’s okay if you have no idea what the words are because nobody else will be able to hear them anyway. Call up your friends and tell them how much better their lives would be if only they were filled with as much tightly-packed joy as yours is now.

* Once you’ve had your fill, it’s time to go back out into the world and share the gift of bubble wrap with everyone. When someone asks what they can do for you, reply “You can just leave me alone so I can keep popping these bubbles.” When someone tells you that your clothes are wrinkled or that your hair looks like a rat’s nest, laugh out loud and say “That’s because I’ve been popping bubble wrap all day.” If anyone asks why you’re wearing two different shoes, reply “One was too tight and the other didn’t fit right, so I decided it would be best if both of them were off at once.

When someone asks how your day went, tell them “I spent it popping bubble wrap.” When someone tells you that you’re acting silly, laugh out loud and say “That’s because I’ve been popping bubble wrap all day.” If anyone asks why you’re wearing two different shoes, reply “One was too tight and the other didn’t fit right, so I decided it would be best if both of them were off at once.”


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