Have you ever wished that there was a way to capture important information in a more creative, memorable way? If so, then today is your lucky day!

January 11th marks World Sketchnote Day – a special occasion that celebrates the power of sketchnoting.

Learn in this article what sketchnoting is and explore how it can help you capture meaningful ideas and messages in an innovative way!

What is World Sketchnote Day?

World Sketchnote Day is a global event that celebrates the power of sketchnoting, or visual note-taking. Sketchnoters from all over the world come together to share their work, learn from each other, and promote the sketchnoting community.

This year’s World Sketchnote Day will be held on January 11th. The theme for this year is “Sketchnote Your Life”. We encourage everyone to partake in this day by picking up a pen and paper, and start sketchnoting!

Sketchnoting is a great way to visually capture ideas, thoughts, or even just your daily life. It can be used for taking notes in meetings or classes, brainstorming new ideas, journaling, or simply doodling. Regardless of how you choose to use it, sketchnoting is a fun and creative way to express yourself.

We hope that you will join us in celebrating World Sketchnote Day!

What is Sketchnoting?

Sketchnoting is a form of visual note-taking that combines sketching with writing. The goal of sketchnoting is to capture ideas and information in a way that is both visually appealing and easy to understand.

Sketchnoting can be used for a variety of purposes, including taking notes during lectures or meetings, capturing ideas during brainstorming sessions, and creating visual presentations.

There are no hard and fast rules for sketchnoting, but there are a few basic principles that can help you get started:

1. Choose simple visuals: Stick to basic shapes and icons that can be quickly drawn. This will help you stay focused on the content of the presentation or conversation, rather than getting bogged down in details.

2. Use color: Color can help to highlight important information and make your notes more visually appealing.

3. Keep it legible: Write in clear, concise sentences so that your notes can be easily understood by others.

4. Have fun!: Sketchnoting should be a creative and enjoyable process – so don’t stress about perfectionism!

Benefits of Sketchnoting

When you sketchnote, you create a visual representation of the information you’re taking in. This has several benefits:

1. You’re more likely to remember the information. Studies have shown that we remember information better when it’s presented in a visual format.

2. You can process the information more deeply. When you create a visual representation of the information, you’re forced to process it in a deeper way than if you were just listening or reading.

3. You can share your notes with others. Sketchnotes are an excellent way to communicate ideas and concepts to others. They’re also great for presentations and lectures (both for the presenter and the audience).

4. You can develop your own visual language. As you continue to sketchnote, you’ll develop your own unique visuals and symbols that help you quickly capture and communicate ideas.

Tips for Sketching Your Notes

Assuming you want tips for sketching in general:

-Find a comfortable position and have all of your materials ready before you start. This way, you can focus on the sketching and not worry about hunting down a pen or pencil.

-Start with the simplest possible shapes to get warmed up and loosen your hand. You can always add details later.

-If you make a mistake, don’t stress! Just turn the page or cross it out and start anew.

-Sketching is supposed to be fun so relax and enjoy the process!

Tools and Apps for Sketchnoting

There are a variety of tools and apps available for sketchnoting, which can be helpful for both beginners and experienced sketchnoters. Some popular options include the following:

-The Sketchnote Handbook app (iOS): This app provides step-by-step instructions and tutorials for creating sketchnotes, as well as a library of templates to help you get started.

-GoodNotes (iOS): This app allows you to create digital notes and sketches, which can be easily shared with others. GoodNotes also offers a variety of templates and tutorials to help you get started.

-Notability (iOS): Notability is another popular app for creating digital notes and sketches, which offers a wide range of features and flexibility. It also includes a number of templates and tutorials to help you get started.

-Procreate (iOS): Procreate is an iPad app that offers a powerful set of tools for creating digital art. It includes a wide variety of brushes, pens, and other tools, as well as the ability to add layers to your sketches. Procreate also offers a number of tutorials to help you get started.

Examples of Sketchnotes

There are countless examples of sketchnotes out there, but here are a few to get you started:

1. This beautiful sketchnote by Austin Kleon was done during a talk by Brene Brown:

2. This simple but effective sketchnote captures the key points of a blog post by Dan Roam:

3. This fun and whimsical sketchnote was created by Ira Progoff during a presentation on creativity:

4. This detailed and colorful sketchnote was done during a TED Talk by Sugata Mitra:

5. And finally, this stunning visual summary was created by Stefanie Posavec during a conversation with Tim Berners-Lee:

How to Celebrate World Sketchnote Day

January 11th is World Sketchnote Day, a day to celebrate and promote the art of sketchnoting! Here are some ways you can celebrate:

1. Share your sketchnotes on social media using the hashtag #WorldSketchnoteDay.

2. Teach someone how to sketchnote! Whether it’s a friend, family member, or colleague, democratizing the practice of visual note-taking is one of the best things we can do to promote sketchnoting as a whole.

3. Give yourself a break from traditional note-taking and try out sketchnoting for yourself! If you’ve never tried it before, now is the perfect time to start.

4. Attend or watch a webinar or talk on sketchnoting – there are plenty of resources out there to help you get started. A great place to look is the Sketchnote Army website (https://sketchnotearmy.com/).

5. And last but not least, have fun! Sketchnoting is meant to be a creative and enjoyable activity, so make sure to enjoy yourself while doing it 🙂

World Sketchnote Day is a great opportunity to practice and improve your sketching skills, while also helping to spread the power of visual communication. Whether you are an experienced sketcher or just starting out, there are a variety of ways that you can participate in World Sketchnote Day – from creating digital artwork and inspiring others with visuals posts on social media platforms; this day provides us all with the unique opportunity to express ourselves through art. So why not take the time each year to learn something new and create something beautiful? The world will appreciate it!


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