Although the origins of this Japanese holiday are a bit cloudy, its celebration gets more prestigious each year as it continues to spread across the world.

Tempura Day is a special holiday celebrated in Japan each year on January 7th. It’s a time to honor the delicious Japanese dish tempura, which is now enjoyed all over the world!

In this article, we’ll explore the history of tempura and look at why this tasty fried food has become so popular outside of Japan. We’ll also offer some tips for making your own tempura at home so that you can join in on celebrating Tempura Day!

What is Tempura Day?

The day is celebrated by making and eating tempura, a dish of battered and fried seafood or vegetables. The batter is made from eggs, flour, water, and salt, and the vegetables or seafood are coated in the batter and then fried in hot oil. Tempura can be served with dipping sauces, rice, noodles, or simply on its own.

Tempura Day originated in Japan and is thought to date back to the Edo period (1603-1868). It was during this time that tempura became a popular dish among the common people. In modern times, Tempura Day is celebrated on February 8th.

History of Tempura Day

Tempura Day is celebrated every year on March 12th in honor of the Japanese dish tempura. This delicious fried food was introduced to Japan by Portuguese missionaries in the 16th century, and has since become a staple of Japanese cuisine.

On Tempura Day, people all over Japan enjoy eating tempura, either at home or at restaurants. Some popular varieties include shrimp tempura, vegetable tempura, and chicken tempura. No matter how you enjoy it, tempura is a delicious way to celebrate Japanese culture!

Types of Tempura

There are many different types of tempura, but the two most common are vegetable and chicken. Vegetable tempura is made with a variety of vegetables, such as sweet potato, pumpkin, eggplant, zucchini, and onion. Chicken tempura is made with chicken breast that has been cut into small pieces.

Both types of tempura are usually served with a dipping sauce, such as soy sauce or tonkatsu sauce. Tempura can also be served over rice or noodles.

Preparing Tempura

Tempura is a Japanese dish of fried seafood or vegetables. The key to making great tempura is to keep the batter light and crispy. Here are some tips on how to prepare tempura:

1. Prepare your ingredients: Cut the vegetables into thin strips or slices, and pat the seafood dry with a paper towel.

2. Make the batter: Combine the flour, egg, and water in a bowl and whisk until it forms a smooth batter.

3. Heat the oil: Pour oil into a heavy-bottomed pan and heat it to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

4. Coat the ingredients in batter: Dip each piece of seafood or vegetable into the batter, making sure it is well coated.

5. Fry the tempura: Carefully add the coated ingredients to the hot oil and fry for 2-3 minutes, until golden brown and crisp.

Variations of Tempura

Tempura is a Japanese dish of battered and fried seafood or vegetables. The most common tempura items are shrimp and vegetables, but almost any food can be made into tempura.

There are many variations of tempura, including:

– Seafood tempura: This is the most common type of tempura and includes shrimp, squid, fish, and other seafood.

– Vegetable tempura: Common vegetables used for tempura include sweet potatoes, eggplant, peppers, mushrooms, and onions.

– Cheese tempura: Cheesetempura is a popular variation in Japan that uses pieces of cheese instead of seafood or vegetables.

– Dessert tempura: Tempura can also be made with fruit or cream puffs for a sweet treat.

Benefits of Eating Tempura

benefits of eating tempura include:

1. Tempura is a light and healthy dish.

2. Tempura is a great source of protein and nutrients.

3. Tempura is versatile and can be eaten as a main dish or side dish.

4. Tempura is easy to make and can be made in advance.

5. Tempura is perfect for entertaining or feeding a crowd.

Where to Find Authentic Japanese Tempura Dishes

Tempura is a Japanese dish that is often served at restaurants. The dish consists of deep-fried vegetables or seafood that is battered and fried. Tempura can be found on the menu at most Japanese restaurants. It can also be found at some Chinese and Korean restaurants.

Celebrating January 7th – World Tempura Day!

January 7th is World Tempura Day, a day to celebrate this delicious Japanese dish! Tempura is made by coating vegetables or seafood in a light batter and frying them until they are crispy. It is typically served with a dipping sauce on the side.

This dish is believed to have originated in the 16th century, during the Edo period. It was created by Portuguese traders who introduced deep-fried foods to Japan. Tempura quickly became popular among the Japanese people and has been enjoyed ever since.

On World Tempura Day, why not treat yourself to some delicious tempura? You can find it at most Japanese restaurants, or even make it at home using a recipe. Let’s all celebrate this wonderful dish on January 7th!

Recipes for Making tempura at Home

There are numerous ways to make tempura at home. The following recipes provide some great options for this delicious dish.

Basic Tempura Recipe


-1 cup all-purpose flour

-1 cup water

-1 egg, beaten

-1/4 teaspoon salt

-1/4 teaspoon baking powder

-1 tablespoon vegetable oil

-2 tablespoons cornstarch

-1/2 teaspoon baking soda

-3/4 cup ice water

-24 shrimp, peeled and deveined (optional)


In a large bowl, whisk together flour, water, egg, salt and baking powder until well blended. In a small bowl, whisk together oil, cornstarch, baking soda and ice water. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients; mix with a fork just until incorporated. If using shrimp, add them to the batter. Heat 1 inch of oil in a heavy large skillet over medium heat. Working in batches, spoon 2 tablespoons batter per fritter into hot oil. Using a slotted spoon or spatula, press each fritter to flatten slightly. Fry fritters until golden brown and cooked through, turning once, about 3 minutes per side. Drain on paper towels. Serve hot with dipping sauce of your choice .

Vegetarian Tempura Recipe


-2 cups all purpose flour

-1 tablespoon baking powder

-1 teaspoon salt

-1 1/2 cup ice water

-1/4 cup cornstarch

-Vegetables of your choice (such as zucchini, onion, mushrooms, peppers, squash, etc.), cut into thin strips


In a large bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder and salt. Slowly add in the ice water while stirring until thoroughly combined. In a separate bowl, mix the cornstarch with 1 tbsp of cold water. Dip each vegetable strip in the cornstarch mixture and then dip into batter. Fry in oil heated to 375F degrees until golden brown. Drain on paper towels before serving with tempura sauce if desired.

Alternatives to Traditional Tempura Recipes

There are many alternatives to traditional tempura recipes. One popular alternative is to use chicken or seafood instead of vegetables. Another is to add spice to the batter for a more flavorful dish.

Chicken or seafood tempura is a great way to change up the usual vegetable tempura recipe. Adding spice to the batter can also make for a more interesting dish. If you’re looking for something different, try one of these alternative tempura recipes!

We hope this article has given you an understanding of why Tempura Day is celebrated and some great recipes ideas so that you can start making your own tempura dishes. Celebrating Tempura Day can be a fun way to enjoy the traditional Japanese flavors of tempura in a new and creative way. Whether it’s as part of a night out with friends or just at home with family, giving tempura a go is sure to be a delicious experience. So what are you waiting for? Go celebrate Tempura Day!


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