People celebrate squirrels on January 21st – it’s one of the special days of the year for them to celebrate the wonderful creatures that live in their yards and urban areas.

Squirrel Appreciation Day is the perfect time to show your appreciation for these fluffy, nut-loving creatures.

Learn how you can help spread the word about this special holiday and get involved!

What is Squirrel Appreciation Day?

Squirrel Appreciation Day is an annual holiday celebrated on January 21st. It was created in 2001 by Christy Hargrove, a wildlife rehabilitator from North Carolina. The purpose of the holiday is to appreciate squirrels and to educate others about these often-misunderstood creatures.

Squirrels are found all over the world, with different species inhabiting different continents. They range in size from the tiny African pygmy squirrel, which is only about 5 inches long, to the giant Indian palm squirrel, which can be up to 20 inches long.

Most squirrels are vegetarians, but some do eat meat. Their diet consists mainly of nuts, seeds, fruits, and fungi. In the wild, they play an important role in dispersing plant seeds and helping trees to grow.

Squirrels are intelligent creatures that are known to use tools and even solve puzzles. They have been observed burying nuts for later use and then retrieving them from their hiding places months later.

Despite their many positive qualities, squirrels are often considered pests because they can damage crops and compete with birds for food. They also sometimes enter houses and attics in search of shelter or food.

If you would like to show your appreciation for squirrels this holiday season, there are several things you can do. You can put out bird feeders and leave out nuts or other items for them to eat. You can also build a simple squirrel feeder to hang in your backyard.

Most importantly, don’t forget to admire these amazing creatures from a safe distance!

Benefits of Celebrating Squirrel Appreciation Day

Jan. 21 is Squirrel Appreciation Day, and what better way to celebrate than by learning more about these adorable, bushy-tailed creatures? Here are some interesting facts and benefits of celebrating Squirrel Appreciation Day:

Did you know that there are more than 200 species of squirrels? Or that they can live up to 20 years in the wild?

Squirrels play an important role in our ecosystem. They help spread seeds and help trees grow. They’re also a food source for predators like birds of prey, snakes, and foxes.

Celebrating Squirrel Appreciation Day is a great way to learn more about these fascinating creatures and appreciate the role they play in our environment.

Ways to Show Appreciation for Our Local Squirrels

1. Leave some nuts out for the squirrels to enjoy.

2. Put up a bird feeder and watch them from your window.

3. Plant trees and shrubs that will provide homes and food for them.

4. Don’t use pesticides in your yard so that they can safely eat the insects there.

5. Educate your neighbors about these friendly creatures and how to coexist with them peacefully.

6. Participate in natural squirrel conservation activities or support organizations that do so.

7. Create a wildlife-friendly garden with native plants that will attract them and other animals to your yard.

8. Don’t feed them human food, as it can be harmful for their health in the long run, but put out a bowl of fresh water every day instead if you want to show kindness and appreciation.

9. Talk to your local council about how they can reduce harm to squirrels and other wildlife when making decisions about redevelopment or tree-cutting.

10. Donate to a conservation organization that focuses on the protection of squirrels.

Making Your Yard Someplace Safe and Attractive for Squirrels

If you love spending time outdoors surrounded by wildlife, then making your yard someplace safe and attractive for squirrels is a great way to celebrate Squirrel Appreciation Day! Here are a few tips:

-Provide a water source: A bird bath or small fountain is the perfect size for a thirsty squirrel. Be sure to clean it regularly and keep the water fresh.

-Plant trees and shrubs: Squirrels love to climb, so planting trees and shrubs gives them plenty of places to explore. Just be sure to avoid plants that are poisonous to them.

-Create a feeding station: A small table or shelf near some bushes makes an ideal spot for setting out food for squirrels. Choose foods like unsalted nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables.

-Make a hiding spot: Squirrels like to have somewhere to hide away from predators. A small wooden box with a hole cut in the front makes a great hiding spot for them.

Other Fun and Creative Ideas to Show Your Love and Appreciation For Squirrels

1. Get creative with your squirrel feeder! There are many different ways you can make your own squirrel feeder, so put your DIY skills to the test and create something unique.

2. Organize a neighborhood squirrel watching party! Invite your friends and neighbors over to watch the squirrels in your yard or local park. You can even bring binoculars and snacks to make it a fun event for everyone.

3. Make homemade Squirrel Treats! This is a great way to show your love and appreciation for these adorable animals. Check out some recipes online or get creative and come up with your own.

4. Donate to a Squirrel Rescue or Rehabilitation Center. If you really want to show your support for squirrels, consider making a donation to an organization that helps rescue and rehabilitate them.

5. Volunteers For Squirrel Conservation Efforts. There are many organizations that focus on conserving squirrel populations across the country. Find one in your area and see how you can help!

Squirrel Appreciation Day is a great way to celebrate these amazing animals, who have such diverse personalities and so much character. Whether you take the time to admire one of these critters while they frolic in your backyard or simply make an effort to ensure that their natural habitat remains intact by planting trees and shrubs, any celebration of these beautiful creatures helps us appreciate wildlife and its cycles even more. So let’s join together on January 21st for Squirrel Appreciation Day – a day dedicated to admiring our furry friends with nuts!


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