Rabbit Hole Day is celebrated on January 27th. If you read Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, it will sound very familiar.

Rabbit Hole Day is a day to remember the rabbit hole in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. The rabbit hole was a place where Alice went and met many interesting characters.

In the book, Alice falls down a rabbit hole into a strange world where she meets the White Rabbit who is late for an appointment with the Queen of Hearts. She then meets Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum who tell her about their adventures with Humpty Dumpty. They also tell her about the Duchess who is so beautiful that everyone wants to see her smile again after she fell down from a tree and got an egg stuck on her face!

Alice continues to explore this strange world by meeting many other interesting characters such as The Mad Hatter and The March Hare at a tea party with all sorts of crazy things happening there!


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