International Zebra Day is celebrated on January 31st. This day is meant to celebrate the many different but similar species of zebras, and also their beauty.

Though they may not be as popular as other animals like cats or pandas, it’s important to remember that zebras are also a part of our world – and we need to keep protecting them!

Listen to music while you shower instead of after Get dressed by putting on your underwear first and then your pants Make your bed while watching TV

-Make sure you have a plan in place—and the tools and supplies necessary—for when your child is ready to create their own art

-Don’t do anything that you can do in the morning.

-If you have a lot of chores to do, break them down into smaller tasks. For example, instead of cleaning your whole house all at once, focus on cleaning one room at a time or just one specific task (such as washing dishes)..

-Try to be more productive with your time. For example, instead of watching TV for hours on end and not getting anything done, use that time to go for a walk or do another activity that will make you feel better about yourself later (such as exercising).


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