Since its inception in 2004, International Puzzle Day has been celebrated on January 29th.

International Puzzle Day is a great opportunity to challenge yourself and others with some serious puzzles. The word ‘puzzle’ appeared in the Oxford English Dictionary as a verb in 1589; later it was used as a noun meaning “the fact of being puzzled” or “a perplexing problem.” The word comes from the Latin “puzzola” which means “to confuse”.

This day is meant to allow people everywhere to get together and enjoy puzzles of all kinds: crosswords, word searches, jigsaw puzzles (and other types). There are many ways you can celebrate this day! For example:

  • Plan an international puzzle party where everyone brings their favorite puzzle books or games with them so they can share them with everyone else at your party! You could also have a contest for who can finish solving their puzzles first too!
  • Hosting your own puzzle competition is another great way to spend time with friends while having fun at the same time! It doesn’t matter if your group doesn’t agree on what kind of gaming experience would suit each person best–you’ll still be able to find something suitable for everyone’s needs no matter what age range or technical skill level may fall into place.


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