Since 2018, January 21st has been marked as International Playdate Day, when we turn off screens, technology, and play outside for our kids.

Learn why unplugging from technology and spending time outdoors are so beneficial to your child’s physical and mental health.

What is International Playdate Day?

In case you haven’t heard, International Playdate Day is a day for people all over the world to get together and play games! It’s a great way to meet new people and make new friends, all while playing your favorite games.

So how do you participate? It’s easy! Just find a group of friends or go to your local game store on February 6th and start playing. There are no rules, just have fun!

If you’re looking for something a little more organized, there are plenty of events being held around the world that you can attend. You can find a list of them here. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start playing!

History of International Playdate Day

In celebration of International Playdate Day, we’re taking a look back at the history of this special day.

International Playdate Day was created in 2006 by two moms who wanted to promote global friendship and understanding through play.

The first International Playdate Day was held on January 21st. Over the years, the event has grown significantly, with playdates now being held in countries all over the world.

Benefits of Unplugging and Playing Outside

There are countless benefits to unplugging and spending time outside, especially for children. Some of the benefits include:

• improved physical health – increased opportunities for exercise and fresh air

• improved mental health – decreased stress levels and increased opportunities for social interaction and creative play

• improved focus and concentration – less distractions from screens and technology

• increased imagination – more opportunity to explore and use creativity in play

On International Playdate Day, we encourage everyone to put away their devices and take some time to enjoy the great outdoors with family and friends!

Ideas for Games and Activities to Do on International Playdate Day

International Playdate Day is a great opportunity to get your kids together with their friends for some fun and games. Here are a few ideas for games and activities to do on International Playdate Day:

-Organize a treasure hunt in your backyard or neighbourhood. Give each child a map and send them off in search of the hidden treasure!

-Have a picnic lunch in your local park. Don’t forget to pack some tasty snacks and drinks.

-Set up an obstacle course in your living room or backyard. See who can make it through the course the fastest!

-Play some classic games like tag, hide and seek, or hopscotch.

-Get creative with some arts and crafts projects. Make picture frames, greeting cards, or decorations for your home.

-Have a movie night! Pick out a fun family-friendly movie and gather everyone around for some popcorn and snacks.

-Set up a dance party! Play some fun tunes, turn the lights down low, and let the kids practice their moves.

These are just a few ideas for games and activities to do on International Playdate Day. You’re sure to have a great time with friends no matter what you decide to do!

Tips for Parents Encouraging Children to Play

It’s International Playdate Day! A day to celebrate the importance of play in a child’s life. Here are some tips for parents on how to encourage their children to play:

1. Lead by example. Let your child see you enjoying playing yourself.

2. Create opportunities for play. Make time for spontaneous and unstructured play as well as scheduled activities.

3. Get down on the floor and play with your child. Show them that you think playing is fun!

4. Encourage imaginative play. Provide props, materials, and space for your child to use their imagination during playtime.

5. Avoid using screens as a babysitter. Although it’s ok to have some screen time, try to limit it and make sure that it doesn’t replace opportunities for active playtime.

6. Challenge your child’s skills. Offer age-appropriate activities that encourage them to develop cognitive, social, and motor skills.

7. Make it fun! If you’re having a good time playing with your child, they will too!

How to Make the Most of International Playdate Day

Making the most of International Playdate Day means connecting with other families from around the world. It’s a great opportunity to learn about new cultures and make friends in far-flung places.

Here are some tips for making the most of International Playdate Day:

Find a playdate partner: Use social media or online forums to find families in other countries who are interested in taking part in International Playdate Day.

Choose a convenient time: Make sure you choose a time that will be convenient for both families. Consider time zone differences when arranging your playdate.

Prepare some activities: Have some fun activities planned in advance so that you can make the most of your time together. Think about things that both children and adults will enjoy.

Make it an annual event: Once you’ve made some international friends, make plans to keep in touch and arrange an annual playdate. This is a great way to build lasting relationships and create special memories.

International Playdate Day is a great way to bring children from all over the world together and recognize the important role that play has in their development. It provides an opportunity for us to have meaningful conversations about global issues, while at the same time connecting with each other on a human-to-human level. Celebrating International Playdate Day allows us to build bridges of understanding between cultures and promote peace through friendship. We could all use more of this kind of connection in today’s world – so let’s get out there, make some new friends, and start planning our next international playdate!


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