It’s Hourly Comic Day on February 1st, when cartoonists and illustrators draw a comic every hour they’re awake.

The concept of Hourly Comic Day is simple. For the entire day, you record what you have been doing and draw one comic every hour from whenever you wake up in the morning until your bedtime at night.

This can be done digitally or with a traditional pen and paper set-up, though many people prefer to capture their day this way as it documents events that may otherwise go unnoticed.Hourly Comic Day encourages creative freedom; there is no right or wrong way to document your daily activities.

It doesn’t have to be serious, either—a lot of participants choose to showcase their creativity by drawing some playful visuals alongside their observations about life throughout the day!

This event started in 2009 and was created by webcomic creator John Campbell. It’s a great way to experiment with different drawing techniques, storytelling methods, and even take an inside look at your daily life.Participants can draw their comics on paper or digitally which provides more options for using tools like color.

Regardless of what you choose to draw, this day presents the opportunity for people to practice cartoons for fun or as part of a larger project such as a graphic novel. Hourly Comic Day is also open to anyone who wants to participate regardless of skill level. Even if you don’t identify yourself as a professional cartoonist or illustrator, it’s still possible achieve something really cool!

People have made some amazing comics during Hourly Comic Day that showcase both talent and creativity – all while having fun capturing special moments throughout the day on paper (or screen!).

The idea is to capture the mundane activities and thoughts of a typical day, all done in comic form. Every hour that passes, cartoonists draw a “minute” or less one-panel comic about what happened since their previous hourly installment.

Drawing Hourly Comic Day comics can be challenging because it requires creativity under tight deadlines; however, it also offers opportunities for incredible storytelling and freedom. It’s like having a visual diary where you can explore your life at an incredibly detailed level each passing hour.

Cartoons from Hourly Comic Day have tackled everything from sleeping conversations between cats to imaginative parallel stories of inner struggles – the possibilities are endless!


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