Refugees and Asylum Seekers wanting French Citizenship. Find out about processing time and requirements. Guide to facilitate the process.

Asylum seekers and refugees often have the opportunity to acquire French citizenship. Processing time for this can vary depending on the individual’s case. Documentation, residence length, identification, proof of income, and other criteria will be taken into consideration. Generally, the entire process can take up to three years to complete. During this time, applicants must demonstrate that they have been successfully integrated and conformed to French values and regulations. Once approved, the individual receives full French citizenship.

French Citizenship For Refugees And Asylum Seekers Processing Time

This article provides information on the processing time for refugees and asylum seekers to obtain French citizenship. According to French law, refugees and asylum seekers can apply for citizenship after ten years of legal residence in the country. The steps involved in the process of application and grant of citizenship include taking a French language test, passing a Civics test, providing proof of registered residence and good moral character and passing a French Nationality Exam. In addition, applicants must provide evidence of their financial resources as well as proof of their integration into French society, such as holding a job or participating in community activities. The decision regarding the grant of citizenship is based upon all the documentation provided by the applicant and can take between 4 and 6 months.

This article provides an overview of the processing time for refugees and asylum seekers to obtain French citizenship. It explains the laws, the steps involved in the process and the time frame for evaluating citizenship applications. Furthermore, it outlines the criteria considered when assessing applications and the importance of providing evidence of financial resources, integration into French society, and passing language and civics tests.

Processing Time for Refugee and Asylum Seeker French Citizenship

Obtaining French citizenship can be a long and complex process for those seeking refuge or asylum. The time it takes to get citizenship can depend on many factors and vary greatly for each individual case. To understand the processing time for refugee and asylum seeker French citizenship, it is important to consider the French law and policies that govern this process.

Eligibility Requirements for Refugee and Asylum Seeker Citizenship

To be eligible for refugee or asylum seeker French citizenship, applicants must meet the criteria set forth by the French government. Generally, applicants must have lived in France for a minimum of 5 years, demonstrate an understanding of the French culture, language and customs, and have a clear criminal record. They must also demonstrate that they are dedicated to living in France, and willing to comply with the laws of the country.

Documentation Required for Refugee and Asylum Seeker Citizenship

Applicants must provide extensive documentation to prove their eligibility for refugee and asylum seeker French citizenship. This includes a valid passport, identity card, and proof of residence in France. Additionally, applicants must provide evidence of the French language, such as a French language diploma, a certificate of integration, or a statement of their knowledge of the French culture and customs.

Time Frame for Refugee and Asylum Seeker Citizenship

Once all the documentation is submitted, processing of the application for refugee and asylum seeker French citizenship can take between six to nine months, depending on the case. If the application is incomplete, processing can take even longer. During this time, applicants must remain in France and are not permitted to leave the country.

Decision of French Citizenship

Once the application is processed, a decision of refugee and asylum seeker French citizenship will be made. In some cases, applicants may be granted citizenship and be issued a French passport. In other cases, a rejection of the application may be issued.

Appealing the Decision

If the application for refugee and asylum seeker French citizenship is rejected, applicants may be able to appeal the decision. It is important to note that appeals are evaluated by the same department that made the original decision and the process can take up to an additional 3 months.


The time it takes to obtain French citizenship for refugees and asylum seekers can vary greatly depending on the individual case. It is important for applicants to understand all the requirements of the process and to ensure that all the necessary documentation is submitted to avoid lengthy processing times. Additionally, applicants have the option to appeal a rejected application.

How Long Does It Take to Become a French Citizen from Refugee/Asylum Status?

Becoming a French citizen as a refugee or asylum seeker is a lengthy process with many steps involved. It typically takes several years to go through the necessary paperwork and waiting periods, so patience is essential. Although the application process can sometimes seem complex and overwhelming, understanding the steps involved can help applicants manage their expectations as they navigate their way through the process.

Steps of the Process

1. Entering the Country

The first step in becoming a French citizen is to enter the country legally. Refugee or asylum seekers must first obtain the correct visas or passport stamps to be allowed entry. The specific visas or stamps needed will depend on the individual’s individual case and the country they are coming from.

2. Registering with the Prefecture

Once in France, the individual must re-register with the local prefecture. Here they will be asked to provide documents proving their identity, completing forms regarding their residence in the country, and obtaining a residence permit.

3. Applying for Refugee Status

The individual must then apply for refugee status. This includes undergoing an interview to demonstrate the claim for asylum, submitting additional documentation and supporting the claim, and waiting for a response from the local prefecture.

4. Obtaining French Citizenship

If the individual’s claim is accepted, they are then allowed to apply for French citizenship. This involves completing more forms, submitting more documentation and undergoing more interviews. If the application is accepted, the individual must then wait for the citizenship to be officially granted, which can take up to two years.

Becoming a French citizen as a refugee or asylum seeker is a lengthy process that involves several steps. The process typically takes several years to complete and can be complex and overwhelming. Understanding the steps involved in the process can help applicants manage their expectations and help ensure a successful outcome.


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