On January 30th, people around the world will come together to raise awareness of CTE and the dangers of repetitive head impacts in athletes.

Players often emerge from these collisions without any symptoms or they may seem fine at first but then experience mood swings or depression later on in life. CTE causes memory loss and confusion as well as aggressive behavior and dementia.

The disease is a serious problem, and not just for athletes. It’s estimated that as many as 20 percent of football players may be experiencing some symptoms associated with CTE, including depression, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Some people may not be familiar with the concept of a puzzle party and may wonder what it is exactly. The following explanation should help clear things up for anyone who hasn’t heard about this type of event before: A puzzle party is an event where people are encouraged to bring their favorite puzzles and games with them so they can play together with everyone else at the partyThese are just a few examples of the diseases that are considered neglected tropical diseases. There are many more and they have devastating effects on the health of those who suffer from themCTE can only be diagnosed posthumously by examining brain tissue, but researchers are working on ways to diagnose it in the living. They’re also looking for evidence of CTE in other athletes who experience repetitive head impacts…


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