The start of a new year often means making new resolutions, but how many of us are still sticking to them by January 17th?
Ditch New Year’s Resolution Day is here to remind us that it’s time to take stock and evaluate whether we need to make some adjustments or even start fresh with a more realistic goal-setting plan. Read this article to learn more about this special day!
The History of Ditch New Year’s Resolution Day
In 2015, two friends came up with the brilliant idea of Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day. The concept is simple: on this day, you ditch your New Year’s resolutions. No more trying to diet, or go to the gym, or quit smoking. You can just relax and enjoy yourself.
The friends who created this holiday are Ben Lipson and Josh Miller. They were both fed up with feeling like they had to start the new year by making changes that they never stuck to. So they decided to create a day where people could just take a break from all of that stress.
Ditch New Year’s Resolution Day has been growing in popularity every year since it started. It’s now celebrated by people all over the world. So if you’re feeling like your New Year’s resolutions are too much work, take a break and celebrate Ditch New Year’s Resolution Day instead!
Benefits of Setting Goals & Resolutions
If you’re one of the countless people who makes New Year’s resolutions only to break them a few weeks later, it might be time to ditch the yearly ritual and focus on setting goals instead.
There are many benefits to setting goals, both short-term and long-term. Goals give you something to work towards and help you stay motivated. They can also help you measure your progress and track your success.
Resolutions, on the other hand, are often vague and impossible to stick to. What’s more, they tend to be forgettable, which means you’re less likely to achieve them.
So if you’re looking to make real changes in your life this year, aim for specific goals rather than broad resolutions. And remember, it’s never too late to start!
What to Do Instead of Giving up on Goals and Resolutions?
The New Year is a time for fresh starts, so it’s no wonder that goals and resolutions are so popular. But all too often, people give up on their goals and resolutions before they’ve even really gotten started. If you’re struggling to stick to your goals and resolutions, here are some things you can do instead of giving up:
1. Take a step back and assess why you’re struggling. Are your goals realistic? Do you have a plan for how to achieve them? Are you trying to do too much at once? Identifying the root of your problem can help you find a solution.
2. Simplify your goals. If you’re having trouble sticking to complex or multiple goals, try focusing on just one or two simple goals. This will make it easier to stay on track and increase your chances of success.
3. Make it fun. If your goal feels like a chore, find ways to make it more enjoyable. Add an element of fun or competition, set small rewards for yourself along the way, or find someone to help motivate you.
4. Get support. There’s no shame in asking for help when it comes to achieving your goals. Enlist the support of friends or family, join a support group, or hire a coach or trainer.
5. Break it down into smaller steps. Feeling overwhelmed by a goal can lead to giving up before you even get started. Breaking your goal down into smaller steps can help you feel more in control, and seeing incremental progress can help you stay motivated.
6. Reward yourself for a job well done. Don’t forget to take time to enjoy your accomplishments and recognize the hard work you’ve put into achieving your goals. Allow yourself to celebrate when you reach a milestone or finish a goal — you deserve it!
Tips for Achieving Goals & Resolutions
It’s the day after New Year’s Eve, which means it’s time to get serious about those resolutions. And what better way to start the year off right than by learning how to achieve your goals?
Here are some tips to help you make your goals a reality:
1. Get specific
The more specific you are with your goals, the easier it will be to achieve them. So instead of saying you want to “lose weight,” try setting a goal to lose 10 pounds by March.
2. Set realistic goals
If your goal is too lofty, you’re likely to get discouraged and give up. So shoot for something achievable, like working out three times a week or cutting out processed food.
3. Write it down
Studies have shown that people who write down their goals are more likely to achieve them. So make sure to jot down your resolutions somewhere where you can see them every day, like on your fridge or in your planner.
4. Make a plan of action
Breaking down your goal into smaller steps will make it seem less daunting and increase your chances of success. For example, if your goal is to save money, create a budget and automating your savings account transfers.
Challenges & Solutions for Sticking with New Year’s Resolutions
It’s that time of year again. New Year’s resolutions are fresh on our minds and we’re ready to take on the world. But, let’s be honest, by the end of January most of us have already abandoned our resolutions. Why is that?
Well, it turns out that making a resolution is actually pretty easy. It’s sticking to it that’s hard. In fact, studies show that only 8% of people actually achieve their New Year’s resolutions.
So what can you do to make sure you’re part of that 8%? Here are some challenges and solutions to help you stick with your New Year’s resolutions:
Challenge #1: You’re Not Really Motivated
When it comes to motivation, it helps to start small. Don’t try to change your entire life overnight. Just pick one or two things that you really want to focus on. And make sure your goals are specific, measurable, and achievable. For example, instead of resolving to lose weight, set a goal to lose 10 pounds by March 1st.
Solution: Write down your goals and post them somewhere you’ll see them every day (like the fridge or bathroom mirror). This will help keep you focused and motivated throughout the month. And speaking of motivation…
Challenge #2: You Need Some Accountability
It can be tough going it alone when trying to stick to a resolution. That’s why accountability is key. Find a friend or family member who can help encourage and support you.
Solution: Check in with each other regularly and share your progress. When things get tough (and they will), your accountability partner can be a great source of motivation and inspiration.
Challenge #3: You Have Too Many Distractions
Distractions come in all shapes and sizes – from social media to TV shows, to friends and family. It’s easy to lose focus when you don’t have a clear plan for achieving your goals.
Solution: Set aside some time each day devoted exclusively to working towards your resolution. Put your phone away, shut off the TV, and make sure you’re actively engaged in achieving your goal during that time.
Making a New Year’s resolution is harder than it looks – but it’s not impossible! With these tips and tricks, you’ll have no trouble sticking with your resolutions this year.
How to Celebrate Ditch New Year’s Resolution Day
Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day is celebrated on January 17th. This day is all about letting go of the past and starting fresh for the new year. It’s a day to reflect on what you really want out of life and to set goals that are realistic and achievable.
Here are some ways to celebrate Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day:
1. Give yourself permission to let go of the past. On this day, forgive yourself for not living up to your resolutions from last year. Let go of the guilt and shame so that you can move forward with a clean slate.
2. Reflect on what you really want out of life. Take some time to think about what your deepest desires are. What do you want to achieve in the next year? What kind of person do you want to be?
3. Set realistic and achievable goals. Once you know what you want, it’s time to set some goals that will help you get there. Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timeframe-bound so that you can stay on track throughout the year.
4. Find an accountability partner or group. It’s always helpful to have someone else holding you accountable for your goals. Find a friend, family member, or business partner who will support you and cheer you on as you work towards achieving your dreams.
5- Celebrate your successes along the way! As you accomplish each goal, take a moment to celebrate your success. This can help you stay motivated and keep you from getting discouraged when obstacles arise.
In light of the challenges faced this past year, Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day is an opportunity to re-evaluate our annual resolutions and decide which ones we still want to prioritize. As a reminder that each day brings with it new possibilities for making progress towards our goals, let us all take a moment today and recommit ourselves to the things that matter most. Whether you’re setting tiny goals or tackling something bigger, make sure you know why you want them in your life and how they will help contribute to your greater happiness as 2021 unfolds!